Sunday, March 12, 2006

Weekend # 5

Laid back would be a good way to describe this weekend. No set plans were made, I was pretty much spontaneous all weekend. Fortunately for my stomach I called my friend Keri at the last minute today to see if she wanted to join me for lunch. We settled on hamburgers and ended up at the Burger Joint at the Le Parker Meridien. These were very good hamburgers and the $3 Sam Adams made them even better. Though I have to reveal my Jersey boy side. The best hamburgers are still at Barnicle Bill's in Rumson, NJ.

Continuing on the food theme I met some friends for dinner on Friday at the Bread Bar. The food was very good, I especially liked the Chicken Tikka but the acoustics were poor and I was straining all evening to hear the conversation. But on my way there, walking through Madison Square Park I walked past the statue of William H. Seward who was a governor and senator from New York prior to the civil war and secretary of state during the Civil War. It was note worthy to me because I am reading Doris Kearns Goodwin's new biography of Abraham Lincoln, Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln and Seward is a main character.

Saturday I spent the day touring around Chelsea and then made my way to Union Square. For those of you not in the NYC area, Saturday was a gorgeous day with highs at least in the mid 60s and this weather brought New Yorkers outside like these five in Union Square. I also made it to the Chelsea Market on 9th and 15th. Lots of neat food stuff. I didn't realize the Food Network was located here but it makes sense.

I also spent the day taking many photos. I recently bought a new 50 mm prime lens. I'll try to post more of those photos but for now here is one I took of my nephew last weekend. My mother, his grandmother is in the background.


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